
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Right Field Hero

Dear Admirable Followers,

This is my first post. One of many to come, hopefully. First off I thank you for your support and your comments to come. The first topic I have chosen to blog about is my screen name.

Right Field Hero

Growing up I loved sports, I was the kid who would run around the neighborhood looking for some sort of game to join. I will never forget my first encounter with little league baseball (every boys dream). I showed up to practice and the coach pulled me aside he said "Brooks, you are going to be a good ball player I am happy to have you on my team". He then pointed to a scrawny little fellow named Briggs. He commented "Briggs is here because his parents want him to be, he has no game. That is why he plays right field." Coach then explained to me that right fielder position belong to those nonathletic kids because nobody ever hit the ball into right field.
Days and practices went by and I continually watched Briggs in the unimportant position that he so dearly loved. He would pick grass and dandelions. Coach would continually get on his case, which we both knew led no where.

The season started and by the time I knew it we were fast approaching our last game. I had played pretty well that year, as for briggs he didn't do so well. In fact he didn't get a hit all year, he never caught a ball and was being continually yelled at by coach and teammates.
As a 14 year old boy in little league nothing means more to you then the State Playoffs, and our team was one win away from reaching this coveted destination. Before the game coach told us that we needed to play our best, nobody could make mistakes everything needed to be perfect. I watched Briggs again as we were receiving this win one for the gipper speech and his head slowly met the palms of his hands. I patted him on the shoulder and said "lets do it". The game was pretty fun I don't remember much about it. But the part that I do remember will forever stick with me as it has now become a life lesson.

Our team was up 1 run with 2 outs. Runner on third and second (for those of you who aren't baseball fans- this means that the team we were playing potentially had the chance to beat us or we could get one more out and win). Brigss was having a typical game 3 times at bat and 3 strikeouts. 2 errors in the outfield due to lack of will or concentration.

Our pitcher pitched the ball and the kid knocked one out towards Briggs. We all kind of stood there hoping for a miracle knowing it wasn't possible. Briggs stuck out his glove and somehow the ball met his glove. HE CAUGHT IT! game over. Briggs was the hero. He cried that day as did coach.

So why the name rightfieldhero for me?
Well in life there are so many different types of people. I have come to the conclusion that due to my over thinking head and come what may personality I have been pinned with the right field position in life. So I sit in the grass, picking the wild flowers hoping that someday a might catch that crucial fly ball.

Until then, Play Ball.

Right field hero.


  1. wow phe! very deep! welcome to the wonderful world of blogging, cant wait to read more... love, jennie

  2. The fly balls in life are gonna be hit in your direction. In fact they don't stop. Use those wheels to track 'em down, put forth the effort, and your skills will improve with time (your best tomorrow will be better than your best today). Don't sit and pick the dandelions, look up, work hard, and be the best right fielder ever.

  3. Dude, this is Briggs. I remember that day well. That is when my life changed completely. I now am on a Major league AAA team, and I'm still playing ball... In the right field.

  4. Phe - Impressive! You should go into writing, this was deep! Keep me posted on updates!

    Love, Casey

  5. for some reason there are little drops of water flowing from my eyes.

  6. Any basketball analogies? I relate better to those
